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Old Savings Bank, Guestrow
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Old Savings Bank, Guestrow

Historic Photographs
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Old Savings Bank, Guestrow
Historic Photographs
Old Savings Bank, Guestrow
Aberdeen Savings Bank was founded in 1815 and had conducted its business in these small offices on the Guestrow until 1858, when the bank was relocated to Exchange Street.

Correspondent Ed Fowler got in touch with Local Studies in order to complete this description:
"Aberdeen Savings Bank was formerly Baillie Alexander Galen's House. Here the first Aberdeen National Security Savings Bank at No.17 Guestrow and perhaps Galen's Court is No.19 as suggested by the larger numeral on the right of the doorway. The building is isolated between the lesser arch of No.15 on the left the and the mysterious Trader's Yard (Galen's Court) on the right. A modest and unassuming structure for the frugal Aberdonians to deposit their spare Bawbees and Mecks."
Aberdeen City Centre
Buildings, Banks
Aberdeen Local Studies
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