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Cults Fire Brigade
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Cults Fire Brigade

Historic Photographs
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Cults Fire Brigade
Historic Photographs
Cults Fire Brigade
This photograph from 1905, shows the personnel of Cults Fire Brigade with their horse drawn fire engine. These men were all volunteers and included a joiner, butcher, shoemaker and a plumber. In the photo are - Holding horses - D. Brown (butcher with Wishart), J. R. Reith (chemist). Standing at the side of the engine - Major Hislop of Derncleuch (founder of the Brigade), H. Robertson (gardener), A. R. Will (plumber), A. Calder (slater), J. Robertson (gardener). On Engine - J. McPherson (joiner), Wisley (driver), Prof, J. McIntyre of Abbotswells, J. Davidson (butcher with Williamson), Wm. Davidson (shoemaker), Sir Robert Greig. When a fire broke out, a hooter was blown and the men downed tools to gather at the old school. Horses had to be brought from the local firms such as the baker or coal merchant, who used horses to pull their delivery carts. The fire engine was housed in St. Devenick's Place and had a manual system where the men had to pump by hand.
Emergency Services
Aberdeen Local Studies