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Demonstration in favour of the Franchise Bill
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Demonstration in favour of the Franchise Bill

Historic Photographs
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Demonstration in favour of the Franchise Bill
Historic Photographs
Demonstration in favour of the Franchise Bill
On the 16th August 1884, a great demonstration took place in Aberdeen in support of the Franchise Bill. Over 10,000 men including members of 33 different trades, assembled on the Esplanade and, to the music of 20 bands, paraded through the city street on way to the Links. This photograph shows the processions snaking down Guild Street.

The figures dressed in white towards the front of the procession are likely from the contingent of bakers and millers, of whom there were 300 in number. This may be the end of their group, with a band and the shore labourers behind them.

Describing the procession, the pamphlet The Franchise Bill Demonstration at Aberdeen, on Saturday, 16th August, 1884 states the following:

"The millers and bakers, who came next, presented, perhaps the best show in the whole procession. Dressed in white from head to foot, they made a strikingly conspicuous display amid the variegated draping of the other demonstrators." (Page 7).

The pamphlet goes on to describe the various banners and displays carried by the millers and bakers.

Aberdeen City Libraries have a copy of The Franchise Bill Demonstration at Aberdeen, on Saturday, 16th August, 1884 in our Local Studies Reserve Stock (Lo 329) and this can be consulted at Aberdeen Central Library. The pamphlet states that it is compiled chiefly from local newspaper reports.
Guild Street
Special Occasions
Aberdeen Local Studies
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