By creating an account on The Silver City Vault, you will be able to store selected items in your personal “Shopping Cart”. It is also necessary to register on the site before proceeding with a purchase.
If you have not yet created an account, click “Register” below where you will be asked to enter your name, email and address. You will also be asked to create a password to use when logging in to the site. If you have previously registered, simply enter your email and password below.
Please note that all information entered onto The Silver City Vault is used solely for the purposes of administering this website and is not transferred to any third party. Aberdeen Local Studies may contact you very occasionally via email about upgrades to the website, should you wish to stop receiving any such emails, simply unsubscribe using the link provided at the bottom of any message. Your account can be deleted upon request at any time – for this, or any other questions, please simply contact us.